World of warcraft rogue ninja transmog
World of warcraft rogue ninja transmog

So I was skeptical at first about what to use and I obviously couldn't use the same exact set. I also have a druid! - unlike my rogue, my druid is a night elf. If you've been farming said dagger, yes, it is still available, and the drop rate is just awful. Horde can obtain an identical one (provided you've never done the quest for it), from the quest titled The Mag'har, the last of a quest chain.įor weapons, I just used Timeslicer paired with the Raid Finder version of No'Kaled, the Elements of Death. I linked this one not because I have it, but because it's the only black mask that Alliance can use (to my knowledge). Lastly, Sunroc Mask is an Outlands BoE green drop. Shadowstep Striders from Harbinger Skyriss in The Arcatraz on heroic mode. Speaking of which, I also bought matching throwing stars from the same vendor. There's probably look-alikes for this piece, but that's just simply where I got mine from.īelt of the Twilight Assassin which can be purchased for 487 Justice from Legacy Justice Quartermasters in Dalaran. Syreian's Leggings from Syreian the Bonecarver, a rare level 73 mob in Grizzly Hills. I used the chest, shoulders, gloves and bracers from this set, but I paired it with: It's also worth noting that my rogue is a female blood elf, and so I felt that the belt and weapons tied together with the eyes. However, I haven't yet been able to confirm whether the screenshot is wrong or not.Ĭommento di PinkiepieisflyFor the people who like to be a little different when using transmog sets but like this one too, here's what I use on my rogue, which has a little bit of both. *** = The item doesn't look like the same as the rest of the matching belts in the screenshot in Wowhead.

  • Bracciali Luridi ( Un asso nella manica / Western Plaguelands) - Horde only.
  • Bracciali Calmanti ( Fratello contro fratello / Western Plaguelands) - Alliance only.
  • Bracciali della Violenza Riluttante ( Totem Truce al Pinnacolo Nubenera / Thousand Needles) - Horde only.
  • Bracciali Benedetti dalla Dea ( Totem Truce al Pinnacolo Nubenera / Thousand Needles) - Alliance only.
  • Bracciali del Maestro del Codice ( Dietro di te! / Thousand Needles).
  • world of warcraft rogue ninja transmog

    Stivali di Segavite ( L'ora della vendetta / Thousand Needles) - Horde only.

    world of warcraft rogue ninja transmog

    Stivali del Maestro di Dragaggio ( L'ora della vendetta / Thousand Needles) - Alliance only.Stivali di Pelle di Capra ( Quando il gioco si fa duro, bara! / Badlands).Grancalzari di Grazle ( Balla per Ruumbo! / Felwood).Calzari di Palpitorosso ( Scorpiodonte / Tanaris).Gambiere di Dellot ( Cassa del morto / Tanaris) - Horde only.Gambali della Tristezza Disperata ( Cassa del morto / Tanaris) - Alliance only.Gambali Foderati di Pelle di Raptor ( Ricercato: Artigliorosso il Vorace / Dushwallow Marsh).Gambiere di Zampafuria ( Eliminare i corrotti / Felwood).Pantaloni Attraenti ( Una strana richiesta / Badlands).Cintura del Mai Spaventato ( Aiutare le truppe (A) or Aiutare le truppe (H) / Western Plaguelands).Cintura della Pacificazione ( Un dono per Fiona / Eastern Plaguelands) ***.Cintura del Presidio ( Il Mago Pazzo / Thousand Needles).Cintura dell'Eremo Sperduto ( Spegnere le fiamme di protezione / Felwood).Guanti dell'Ozio ( Battaglia navale (A) or Battaglia navale (H) / Thousand Needles).Guanti del Pesce Palla Infetto ( Il mare di Frederick / Eastern Plaguelands).Mitene della Mezza Verità ( Segreti dell'oasi / Tanaris).Mitene dell'Apertura ( Distruggere l'indistruttibile / Felwood).Giubba di Ventolordo ( Acquisizione forzata / Badlands) - Horde only.Corazza di Walloper ( Tutto il meglio / Badlands) - Alliance only.

    world of warcraft rogue ninja transmog

    Giubba di Pozzik ( Consegna la merce (A) or Consegna la merce (H) / Thousand Needles).Veste della Scoperta ( Nemici del Borgo di Darrow / Eastern Plaguelands).Guardaspalle Vermigli ( La covata di Onyxia / Dushwallow Marsh) - Horde only.Pelle del Cacciatore Solitario ( Non dirlo a nessuno / Eastern Plaguelands).Coprispalle del Dominatore dell'Alveare ( Quel cervellone deve morire / Thousand Needles).Maschera della Stirpe ( Identificare la covata / Dushwallow Marsh) - Horde only.Maschera della Nubenera ( Capi dei Totem Truce: Anziano Zoccolo Tempestoso (A) or Capi dei Totem Truce: Anziano Zoccolo Tempestoso (H) / Thousand Needles).Foulard di Rayne ( La vita in mezzo alla morte / Eastern Plaguelands).Only two quests are Horde exclusive, rest are either for both sides or either side has their own quest for the respective item. Commento di TritoxThis rather cool looking set can be obtained from various lvl 39-46 quests around the Badlands, Dushwallow Marsh, Eastern and Western Plaguelands, Felwood and Thousand Needles.

    World of warcraft rogue ninja transmog